Quite quiet ...

>> Wednesday, November 19, 2008

After a game of phone-tag, it appears that I'll be going in for an interview and an update of my personal information with an employment agency I've used in the past. I was asked if I preferred office/clerical or light industrial work.

me: "I prefer office/clerical but at this point, I'm not choosy. Either area of employment is more than okay with me."

recruiter: "I regret to say it's really quiet in office/clerical. You'd have a better chance in light industrial."

That was a snippet of yesterday's conversation at the employment agency. I received a call this morning which led me to believe that I'd have an easier time being paid to tap dance in a bikini while on the street corner (it's feeling like winter here, so that would be quite a sight). Today's call was from a different recruiter with the agency. It appears the recruiters use the catch phrase "it's really quiet in _fill in the blank_". I've had this mental image of employment recruiters ducking behind potted plants and wearing sunglasses as a prospective employee walks in the door. I didn't see but two job seekers yesterday, so it appears that not very many are hurting for employment here.

Off to bury my cold nose in a mound of blankets. G'night!


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