Snow bizzznezzzzzz-snort-zzzzzzz

>> Friday, November 28, 2008

It's safe to say that this time of the year is hibernation mode. If you're prone to studying the backs of your eyelids when cold weather sets in, you may possibly wake to a soft layer of peach fuzz across your bum. ;o)

After a meal of Thanksgiving leftovers, I fought to keep my eyes open while watching Hancock. Much to my chagrin, the fluttering of eyelids could be likened to Morse code. Prior to starting the movie, dh stepped out (in shorts and a t-shirt) onto the front porch to see how much snow had fallen. "Looks like we've got about an inch and a half of snow," he called out. To affirm the chilly report, he walked back inside with a brick-sized amount of snow and took a bite. I grinned and shook my head. "Baby, that's nasty. You ever hear of fallout?" He offered the brick to me and asked, "Didn't you ever eat snow as a kid?" With a raised eyebrow, I replied, "Of course I did but if I was a kid in the present day and time, I wouldn't eat it." Despite the playful chide, he finished the majority of the cold brick, tossing the remnants in the kitchen sink.

I don't think much affects his immune system. LoL! I do believe his stomach has a steel lining. I only know of one account in which he's had food poisoning (from a local restaurant some years ago). Seldom does he ever suffer from indigestion, acid reflux, or other stomach ailments. I'm definitely no stranger to any of it. I've learned to moderate, eating whole wheat breads, more fruits and vegetables while limiting fried or spicy foods. The change in diet has made a big difference, that's for certain.


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